Revolutionizing Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement: Transactions and Trends Shaping the Energy Transition (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | This course has been designed by the industry’s top market participants to bring attendees 100% up-to-speed on the latest developments in corporate renewable energy procurement, as well as providing detailed explanations and examples of the solutions being utilized in today’s advanced Corporate PPA deals. Infocast has fully updated our extraordinarily well-received Master Class on Corporate PPAs to demonstrate how structuring, negotiating, and documenting corporate renewable procurement from beginning to end should be done in today’s market and under today’s economic conditions.

Renewable Energy Hedging for Today’s Markets (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | With supply chain woes, tariff changes and the anti-dumping investigation, the war in Ukraine, extreme weather, and other unforeseeable events rocking the markets, renewable energy projects need cost and revenue certainty now more than ever. For more and more projects, hedges are the key to successfully create this certainty and secure tax equity and other financings, as hedges become a larger part of development, finance, and risk management. However, hedging involves complex tradeoffs, and it can be difficult to understand the pros and cons of various hedge products. Moreover, risk assessments have changed drastically over the past year as the market is beset with unforeseeable uncertainties.

Tax Equity Structures and Solutions for Today’s Renewable Projects 2022 (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | The ability to develop and structure projects in order to successfully source tax equity, traditionally fundamental to the financing of renewable energy projects, has become even more critical in today’s booming development market. With a backlog of delayed projects still being worked off from the pandemic year of 2020 and a rising tide of new activity all competing for tax equity investment, only those who are fully informed on the latest changes in tax equity market conditions, tax policies, incentives, stimulus programs, in-service deadlines, Safe Harbor guidance and the best practices for handling Covid-related construction delays and supply-chain disruptions will be able to take full advantage of the remarkable renewable power opportunities today and in 2022.

ESG for Renewable Energy Financing (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | As capital markets, investors, lenders and corporate off-takers accelerate their engagement with the challenges of global warming and other environmental threats, the development of formalized ESG (environmental, social and governance) principles has created great opportunities for renewable energy developers to increase company and project valuations, be more focused in their own M&A decisions, improve their own business processes and those of their suppliers, and obtain financing more easily and at more favorable rates.
However, the relatively recent development of multiple ESG standards and reporting formats, none of which were specifically developed for renewable energy developers, can make it difficult to know exactly how to align their business processes to maximize ESG performance and how to communicate their success at implementing these principles to critical outside partners and investors.

M&A for Renewable Power Projects (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | Being able to successfully buy and sell renewable projects is one of the essential competencies of the industry, central to virtually every business model in the space. But until now, a truly deep dive into today’s best practices for renewable project M&A—including project valuation, due diligence, value-creating deal structures, post-closing integration, and more—wasn’t available. Infocast, working with a remarkable faculty of profoundly experienced real-world experts, has created this unique program to offer instruction into this absolutely critical process.

Renewable Energy Project Valuation 2021 (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | The renewable energy boom shows no signs of abating, and neither do the long-term risks for developers, investors and portfolio owners. The competition to acquire projects and the shortening tenor for utility and corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) is causing the profitability of projects to depend more on non-contracted revenue and the merchant tail. The success of investment decisions and project financings in the current market relies on accurately evaluating market and project risk over a long horizon—an increasingly challenging task that can create tension between sponsors, regulators, and debt and equity investors.
October 13 - 14, 2021 | The Renewable Energy Project Valuation Master Class will conduct a deep dive into valuation approaches in today’s market, and how to use them to meet IRS, investor and regulatory requirements. It will step through the rigorous application of valuation approaches, helping develop a depth of understanding and appreciation of how to incorporate market volatility in valuations that rely on varying forward energy price projections provided by competing market sources and often spotty market transaction data.

CCS / Decarbonization Project Development, Finance & Investment (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | The energy transition requires a profound transformation in the way we produce and use energy. We can only make this happen with a broad range of technologies—and it is becoming clear that among them will be carbon capture, sequestration and utilization. Infocast has created this course in conjunction with active participants in the pioneering decarbonization projects to provide in-depth education and critical market information that those who seek to develop such projects cannot do without.

Project Finance Documentation 2021 (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | Infocast has fully updated and upgraded Project Finance Documentation to address today’s challenges. This program—which has historically been attended by senior executives from almost all the leading renewable power development companies and from virtually all major financial players in the project market—will provide you with proven analytical strategies and transaction structuring techniques enabling you to quantitatively assess and mitigate risks, resolve constraints, and reach project financial closure.

Renewables and Wholesale Electricity Markets 2021 (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | The Renewables and Wholesale Electricity Markets Master Class is an advanced course for decision makers to gain in-depth understanding of how renewables fit into wholesale electricity markets. Leidos’ staff will present recent market data to illustrate trends and to highlight anomalies, drawing from experience advising dozens of buyers and sellers in the renewable marketplace.

Repowering Wind Projects (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | This advanced Repowering Master Class, the most in-depth course on Repowering you can find, will provide a comprehensive guide for quickly gaining the best technical knowledge of the latest business-case analysis and the leading strategies for negotiating and documenting contracts, managing equipment issues, financing, tax incentives, considerations for M&A, policy outlook & more.

Negotiating and Documenting Corporate PPAs (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | Infocast’s Master Class, taught by experts actively transacting Corporate PPA’s will illustrate how to negotiate, structure, and document a Corporate PPA from beginning to end. It will take developers through the entire process from a look at emerging trends in PPA pricing, risk allocation, ESG factors, and structures to negotiating exceptional terms and fully executing viable and bankable deals

Advanced Hedging for Renewables: Risk Appetite and Market Shift (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | To get truly valuable projects across the finish line, project developers must understand their complete risk exposure AND accurately gauge the risk appetites of their offtakers, their hedge counterparties, their lenders, and potential future buyers of their projects.

Green Hydrogen Business & Investment Models: 2021 (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | Green hydrogen is one of the largest economic opportunities over the next 30 years. Driven by international actions to combat climate change, it has the potential to revolutionize numerous value chains in the energy industry and across both mobility and manufacturing sectors.

Zero-Emission Fleet Infrastructure Planning (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | This practical Master Class provides a comprehensive overview of clean fleet transitions and administers a step-by-step guide to electrification with concrete, real-world examples. Attendees will learn how to avoid unpleasant surprises that lead to increased timelines and expenses, and also grasp the options for a phased transition, making the process easier by tackling it in stages rather than all at once

Understanding & Executing Utility Build-Transfer Transactions (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | This Master Class will provide attendees with a deep dive into the critical issues faced by developers, utilities and other key stakeholders in build-transfer transactions. It will examine and analyze the most up-to-date strategies practitioners are employing to overcome these challenges, considering all issues from both the utility and developer perspective. It will also offer specific examples of contractual frameworks that have been used in recent transactions.

Hedging for New Use Cases: Battery Storage, Proxy Generation, and Affiliate Swaps (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | This two-day comprehensive Master Class will provide attendees an immersion into non-standard hedge agreements, and the provisions and conceptualization vital to their use with battery storage, proxy generation, and affiliate swaps.

Innovation in Risk Management for Renewable Project Finance (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | This two-day Master Class provides a deep dive into the most recent innovations in assessing, managing and allocating risks in developing, selling, acquiring or financing for renewable projects. Taught by active practitioners, this unique class examines all the newest techniques on how to proactively reduce the risks that can negatively affect the pricing, sizing and availability of tax equity investment and project debt.

Storage Market Opportunities, Contracting & Finance 2021 (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | Storage is the fastest-growing alternative energy asset class, but the contract structures needed to assure financeability and mitigate project risks are not standardized or well understood.

Tax Equity Structures and Solutions Master Class 2021 Edition (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | This Virtual Master Class will arm you with the information to optimize planning to incorporate tax incentives while learning how to deal with ugly situations that seem ever more likely to arise in 2021.

Understanding, Evaluating and Mitigating Congestion & Basis Risk Master Class 2021 Edition (On-Demand)
Available On-Demand | Basis and curtailment risk are among the greatest challenges faced by developers of renewable projects today. The impacts of unexpected basis risk (the difference in the energy price between a project location and its contracted point of delivery) and/or unanticipated energy curtailments can upend project economics and lead to distressed projects. Understanding how transmission congestion drives basis risk and the potential steps to mitigate impacts are critical to navigating these risks.