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With electric vehicle (EV) adoption expanding across the nation, the need for charging stations is rising exponentially, as projections are pointing towards continued industry evolution and growth.
This EV Charging Infrastructure Ownership and Revenue Models Master Class will explore those projections while providing attendees with a comprehensive overview of the business and revenue models being deployed in the EV charging infrastructure space.
A lack of deep understanding of these economics and business models can prevent many stakeholders from fully utilizing this opportunity to optimize their profits. The instructors in this class will break down the costs required to build out charging stations and the steps involved across the development, construction, and operational lifecycle of a charging network.
This course is your opportunity to learn where you and your firm fit into the EV charging infrastructure landscape through exploring current trends and pressure points in EV infrastructure deployment. This discussion will cover everything from business models to the role of the utility, permitting and the hardware and software components required for a fully operational charging station.
Class Information
Speaker Information
Noah Pollak, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright, LLP
Benjamin Grayson, Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright, LLP
Michael Hughes, Chief Commercial and Revenue Officer, Chargepoint
Jigar Shah, Co-Founder & President, Generate Capital
Yuliya Shmidt, Advisor, CPUC
James Tillman, Vice President, Business Development, Maxgen Electric Vehicle Infrastructure