New power projects are increasingly exposed to a wide variety of power market and other risks, and the most successful developers are turning to increasingly complex hedge structures to manage those risks while still delivering finance-able, profitable and sell-able projects.
To get truly valuable projects across the finish line, project developers must understand their complete risk exposure AND accurately gauge the risk appetites of their offtakers, their hedge counterparties, their lenders, and potential future buyers of their projects. To accomplish all this will require a solid grasp of today’s market conditions as well as a mastery of the full range of the most advanced contractual and hedging structures so they can manage those all those risks at an acceptable price.
This unique course, taught by a variety of active market participants, will prepare attendees to deal with both halves of this double challenge: first, understanding the current conditions in all of the various relevant markets that will motivate and constrain a projects’ risk management strategy, and second, how to utilize today’s most innovative and effective hedging approaches to execute that strategy.
Attend this one-of-a-kind event to learn what types of complex hedges continue to move forward today, and what structures are best in different markets and scenarios. Hear how volatile markets affect hedge provisions and risk appetites, including a look at today’s market conditions and how TX has changed the landscape.